family with dog celebrating the holidays The hustle and bustle of the holidays can be overwhelming for everyone, including our pets. This time of year, it’s important to make sure your dog feels comfortable at home or traveling to a relative’s house. Steer clear of the following dangers that could hurt your pet and put a damper on the holiday cheer.

Food & Drink

One of the biggest dangers of the holidays is your dog being fed “people food”. As guests may be unfamiliar with what’s safe for dogs to consume, set a general rule that no one should feed the dog. Keep him or her away from the food and beverage area, which could be left unattended at times. Encourage your guests not to leave plates behind and make sure the garbage is securely closed after use.


Never leave your dog alone in a room with candles or holiday lights that could cause a fire or elecrocution. Low-hanging ornaments could fall off the tree and break, causing external cuts and internal damage to the digestive tract if swallowed.

Trees & Plants

If you have a Christmas tree, try to keep your dog out of this room. Over time, tree water grows bacteria that could make your dog sick and fallen pine needles are not any safer to consume.
Did you know mistletoe and holly are poisonous to dogs? Keep these festive plants far out of reach or not in the house at all. Other holiday plants like poinsettias could cause gastrointestinal distress.

Wrapped Gifts

Keep your dog out of the room while wrapping. The paper, ribbon, bows and string can also cause intestinal blockages. Keep wrapped presents hidden away in the closet, basement, attic or wherever the dog will be unable to reach them. As gifts are opened, collect discarded wrapping paper and accessories right away.

Loud Noises

While you entertain, your dog should have a designated area to play and sleep. It should be a familiar room in the home with food, water and toys. Many dogs have “loud noise phobia”, so try to keep the music and people’s voices down.
Paw Play Daycare for Dogs has been part of the Southington community for over 20 years. To learn more about our services, contact us today!